8 | | To initialize your personal **CVSROOT**, you have to ask personnel to add you to the group ''cvsadmin'' before you can do anything. Afterwards, you can initialize repositories from your [wiki:Geidontei Geidontei] session. |
| 8 | To initialize your personal `CVSROOT`, you have to ask personnel to add you to the group `cvsadmin` before you can do anything. Afterwards, you can initialize repositories from your [wiki:Geidontei Geidontei] session. |
| 9 | |
| 10 | If you intend to work locally and publish your changes on the server, those are the possible values for the `CVSROOT` environment variable |
| 11 | |
| 12 | * pServer URI: `:pserver:USER@cvs.chaotic.ninja:/cvs/USER` (requires `cvs login`) |
| 13 | * SSH URI: `:ext:USER@cvs.chaotic.ninja:/cvs/USER` (requires `CVS_RSH` set to `ssh`) |